If it seems like more young people than usual are dying these days, it’s because they are. If anyone tells you otherwise, they either don’t know what they’re talking about, or they’re lying. Surprisingly, these excess deaths have disproportionally effected young people. In this paper I discuss excess deaths in the US by age group, from the CDC WONDER database.
Read MoreIn February, I wrote about an unexpected place where the CDC can conceal tens of thousands of vaccine deaths—in its tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19.” This is an update on the situation, which has continued to escalate, with hundreds of deaths involving COVID19 reported to VAERS each month. I also look at historical data from the CDC’s tally—which points to complete and utter vaccine failure—or worse.
Read MoreI first wrote about the massive increase in deaths reported to VAERS from the covid shots in April 2021—how has the situation changed in the last year? Twice as many vaccines have been administered; the number of VAERS reports has doubled; the number of death reports has tripled; and the calculated risk of vaccination has continued to climb. How high will it go before someone in charge says “stop”?
Read MoreIn 1976, President Gerald Ford delivered an ominous warning: the new Swine flu was caused by the same virus that killed millions during the Spanish flu of 1918. But Swine flu never really took off as a pandemic, quietly disappearing after a short-lived and disastrous vaccine campaign.
Read MoreThere’s an unexpected place where the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) can cleverly conceal tens of thousands of vaccine deaths—in its tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19.” In this paper I explain how this simple trick works and why I think it’s happening now; I also estimate how many deaths from covid shots might be hidden in that tally.
Read MoreReports have emerged in recent weeks of strange unknown structures found in the vaccine vials. What are they? Could it be some kind of self-assembling nanotechnology?
Read MoreAre there any similarities between the Spanish Flu and COVID19? None whatsoever! In this paper I look at the glaring differences between these two historic pandemics.
Read MoreThe Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is full of surprises—such as, “COVID-19” and “SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE” are at the top of the list of symptoms in deaths reported to VAERS from COVID19 vaccines. What?!
Read MoreHypothetically, the vaccines have the potential to fight the hypothetical virus SARS-CoV-2, which, hypothetically, causes a disease called COVID-19. Enjoy the circus.
Read MoreWith all the attention I’ve been giving to the risks of the covid shots, I wanted to devote some time to their many benefits. Who knows—they could produce some fantastic superpower mutations—there are definite signs of a new Magneto in the making.
Read MoreThese estimates of serious injuries and deaths from COVI D-19 vaccines are based on reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and the percent of vaccine injuries reported to VAERS. They are presented here without comment as reference material.
Read MoreMost people have no idea that thousands more deaths and serious injuries have been reported to VAERS from the covid shots than from any other vaccines in history—in fact, more than all other vaccines in history combined--because it’s never mentioned by the CDC, major media, government or industry. But many people have heard about a blood clot issue with the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, which was plastered all over the press and the CDC website, and involved just a handful of VAERS reports—or so we were told.
Read MoreFACT: There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from the COVID-19 vaccines. Why?
Read MoreThe COVID-19 shots have resulted in an EXPLOSION of death reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)— and it’s NOT because more vaccines have been given this year. Why?.
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