How to hide thousands of vaccine deaths in plain sight
There’s an unexpected place where the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) can cleverly conceal tens of thousands of vaccine deaths—in its tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19.” In this paper I explain how this simple trick works and why I think it’s happening now; I also estimate how many deaths from covid shots might be hidden in that tally.
What are “Deaths Involving COVID19”?
The CDC’s official tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19,” also known as the “provisional death count,” is very often deceptively presented in the media as a tally of deaths caused by COVID19—which it is not. According to its own description, the tally is of “Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID19” (1).
Consider the definition of each word of the description carefully, especially “with” and “presumed”—you can be sure the people who wrote it did. The language is plain and clear—confirmation of COVID19 as a cause of death is not required for inclusion in the tally. If it were, cause would be mentioned in the description, and the tally would be named “Deaths from COVID19” or “COVID19 Deaths;” and it wouldn’t be called “provisional.”
Instead, the description just indicates COVID19 was believed to be present, based on either a positive test result or a presumption—that’s all.
Just because industry shills and trolls like to transmute the tally into things like “the COVID19 death toll” or “COVID19 killings,” doesn’t mean it’s anything that grand. It includes not only deaths from COVID19 (assuming illusions can kill), but also deaths from many other things, where COVID19 was just thought to be there. We don’t know how many—we just know the actual COVID19 death count (if there were one) would be lower—a lot lower—even if you believe the official COVID19 narrative. With a description that loose, on top of notoriously sketchy testing with an affinity for false-positives, the sky’s the limit on the tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19.”
How many deaths reported to VAERS were “Deaths Involving COVID19”?
The CDC identifies “Deaths Involving COVID19” from death certificates.
The data for the CDC’s tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19” comes from death certificates; as long as the “confirmed or presumed” presence of COVID19 is documented there, it qualifies for the tally. There is no exclusion for suspected deaths from vaccination, so it’s reasonable to assume the tally includes deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from the covid shots. However, I haven’t actually tried to match any VAERS reports to death certificates, so it is an assumption.
Back in November, I wrote about the increasing number of deaths reported to VAERS from covid shots that indicated the “confirmed or presumed” presence of COVID19, which in the VAERS database includes these symptoms:
Since November, the numbers have continued to escalate—so far this month, twice as many deaths that “involved COVID19” have been reported to VAERS than other deaths; last month, it was well over half.
This chart looks at the number of deaths “involving COVID19” reported to VAERS from covid shots since they were introduced in December 2020. Deaths where COVID19 symptoms were reported are shown in yellow. (2)
See Note 2 for the sources of this data.
Maybe 3,343 deaths doesn’t sound like much—just a drop in the bucket of “Deaths Involving COVID19,” which is currently over 935,000. But remember, only a small fraction of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS (3). To estimate the number of vaccine deaths that could be hiding on the CDC’s tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19,” you have to add 1 or 2 zeros. If only 1% were reported to VAERS, as the Harvard Pilgrim Health study found (4), then 334,300 deaths from COVID19 vaccination could be buried in that tally—meaning vaccine deaths could comprise more than a third of it.
Of course, reports to VAERS don’t prove the vaccine caused the injury, and the estimate above does not take into account that some deaths reported to VAERS may be coincidental. It’s just a rough estimate based on limited information.
See Note 2 for the sources of this data.
This chart focuses only on recent months starting last August, when the number of deaths reporting COVID19 symptoms began to noticeably climb. Currently about half of all deaths reported to VAERS from covid shots could potentially be in the CDC’s tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19.”(2)
Maybe some people reading this still believe a virus named SARS-COV-2 and its variant family cause a disease named COVID19. If so, the high number of “Deaths Involving COVID19” reported to VAERS suggests the vaccines are a monumental failure.
Personally, I don’t think the vaccines are a failure—I think they’re doing exactly what they were expected to do—which is weaken and kill people.
Maybe that’s why we never hear about deaths from the millions of experimental vaccines peddled during the Spanish flu—all based on a now-discredited theory of causation: because they were all recorded as “Deaths Involving Spanish Flu.”
(1) The CDC’s provisional count of deaths involving COVID-19 is found here. The description is in Note 1 on Table 1, shown in the screenshot below.
2) Deaths reported to VAERS from COVID19 vaccines in the US: How many “involved COVID19”? Two VAERS searches were done—one for all deaths reported from covid shots; one for deaths involving covid19 symptoms, which were subtracted from the total.
(3) Only a “small fraction” of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS. That’s according to guidance on the VAERS website. VAERS is jointly managed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
(4) Less than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS. That’s according to research by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. — Grant Final Report, Grant ID: R18 HS 017045, Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, Inclusive dates: 12/01/07 - 09/30/10, Principal Investigator: Lazarus, Ross, MBBS, MPH, MMed, GDCompSci.