Weaponized math for parents
The CVax Risk page on this site is devoted solely to data and math—it intentionally contains no claims or opinions about what the numbers “mean” or how much they matter—it just tells people what the numbers are.
It’s a sign of the times that this page has inspired more outrage than all my snarky, opinionated papers combined—even though no one has refuted the numbers. Facts are such a bitch.
The equations I use to calculate risk are short, simple, and based on commonsense logic most people can understand if they want to. You can read about the math in the second part of this paper.
A “statistics expert” criticized the math for being so simple—as if simplicity made the numbers suspect. I guess that’s what happens when you make a living at it. It would definitely be possible for a statistics expert to turn the basic equations into long, complicated formulas, to control and adjust for all kinds of things—but complication isn’t always an advantage. The purpose of the page is just to provide a basic overview of the VAERS situation, not explore the boundless universe of vaccine risk.
Calculations of risk are theoretical predictions, based on the supposition that the future will behave like the past—which of course it may not. As a practical matter, theoretical risk doesn’t mean much. If you got a COVID19 vaccine because you believed the risk of death was “rare” as the CDC said, but the vaccine killed you, then your actual risk of death from the shot was 100%—and that’s all that really mattered in the end.
Risk calculations are a tool, not an oracle. They are one possible alternative to flailing around in the dark with no solid numbers to go on, only vague homilies like “safe and effective” and “research shows” and “experts recommend.” The vaccine industry and its captured regulators love vague homilies and hate solid numbers, because the true facts are never on their side. The industry has sustained itself solely on psyence and propaganda ever since Jenner made a literal killing injecting horse pus (formerly known as “virus”) more than 2 centuries ago (1).
"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."
-- Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, Chapter 3--Scientific Technique in an Oligarchy (1952)
Risk calculations for children age 0-17
See Note 2 for the sources of this data.
This chart is like the one at the top of the CVax Risk page, except it contains only data for children age 0-17 (2). It calculates risk the same way, making adjustments for VAERS underreporting and multiple doses of vaccine. An explanation of these concepts is on the CVax Risk page.
Parents can give this vaccine risk information any weight they want to, or none at all. But it will still be an undisputed fact that vaccines can and do cause serious injury and death—that’s why we have a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
The VICP has a Vaccine Injury Table, “a table of vaccines, the injuries, disabilities, illnesses, conditions, and deaths resulting from the administration of such vaccines…” The Table lists injuries that, if proven to have occurred within a certain time frame of vaccination, are automatically entitled to compensation.
There is a long list of vaccine injuries that have received compensation awards in the VICP over the years (3). It’s a triumph of propaganda that the only vaccine injury most parents have ever heard of is “autism”—a claim that is always denied.
Autism is a psychiatric diagnosis—not a medical diagnosis of physical injury. Various forms of brain damage—the foundation of autism—are compensated all the time in the VICP. A 2011 investigation published in a law journal found dozens of cases where autism was listed as a symptom in awards for encephalopathy and seizure disorder (4).
Note: The VICP does not cover vaccine injury from covid shots. Damages from COVID-19 vaccines are covered under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act). Those involved in the COVID-19 industry on any level are protected from liability by the PREP Act. However, this liability protection does not cover willful misconduct.
Of course, before you agree to those injections for your child, it might be a good idea to consider that more deaths and serious injuries have been reported to VAERS from the COVID19 vaccines than from all other vaccines combined for the last 31 years.
(1) See Vaccination, a Curse, by C.W. Amerige, M.D., 18 Vernon Street, Springfield, Mass., 1895 (Link)
(2) Estimated risk of COVID19 vaccination in the US, children age0-17
The CDC’s COVID19 vaccine data tracker is located here. Serious events were obtained from a VAERS search:
(3) A partial list of injuries that have received compensation awards in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
This list was compiled from information published by law firms handling these cases. The vast majority of vaccine injury claims are settled by agreement. The agreement always specifies that it is not an admission the vaccine caused the injury.
Acute Inflammatory Neurological Injury
Acute Demyelinating Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
Acute Hemorrhagic Leukoencephalomyelitis (AHLE)
Bell's Palsy
Brachial Neuritis
Brachial Plexopathy
Cardiac arrest
Cerebral Palsy
Cognitive Delays
Connective Tissue Disease
Chronic arthritis
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Disseminated varicella vaccine strain viral disease (Removed in 9/2017 from the Table)
Encephalopathy or encephalitis
Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Hearing Loss
Inflammatory Tendinitis
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Kleine-Levin Syndrome
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
Lumbosacral Raduculoplexus Neuropathy (LSRPN)
Miller Fisher Syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
Multi-Organ Failure
Neuralgic Amyotrophy
Neurologic Injuries
Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)
Optic Neuritis
Overactive Immune Response
Paralytic Polio
Paresthesias/Small Fiber Neuropathy
Parsonage Turner Syndrome
Peripheral Neuropathy
Psoriasiform Dermatitis
Radial Nerve Injury
Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (Removed in 9/2017 from the Table)
Spinal Cord Myelitis
Strep A infection
Systemic Inflammatory Response
Thrombocytopenic purpura
Toxic Shock
Transverse Myelitis
Vasovagal syncope (Removed in 9/2017 from the Table)
Vaccine Strain Measles Viral Disease
Vaccine Strain Polio Viral Infection
Varicella vaccine strain viral reactivation (Removed in 9/2017 from the Table)
Ventricular Fibrillation
Vision Loss
(4) “Autism” awards in the VICP:
Mary Holland, Louis Conte, Robert Krakow, and Lisa Colin, Unanswered Questions from the
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced
Brain Injury, 28 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 480 (2011)
Available at: https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/pelr/vol28/iss2/6