What’s weird in the COVID19 vaccines?
In the 1967 TV series The Invaders, average guy David Vincent, driving along a dark country road late one night, happened upon a plot by aliens from outer space to conquer Earth. They looked and acted human, and had the power to take over human bodies and minds, assimilating them as servants to the race. The series is about Vincent’s heroic efforts to save humanity, while everyone calls him insane, and the aliens try to destroy him.
It was a good series—but who could have guessed it would all come true?
Just kidding—the aliens aren’t from outer space—they’ve been here on Earth for millennia, moldering in their bunkers, feeding on humanity. Who knows how many times they have nearly destroyed it—or nearly been destroyed by it.
If you’ve looked into the question of what’s in the covid shots, you’ve probably seen a lot about messenger RNA and spike proteins. Many people have presented persuasive evidence of their dangers. But is there something even more sinister in the shots?
Photo La Quinta Columna
Few people have physically examined the contents of the vaccine vials—mostly, we just rely on information provided by the manufacturers, or found in patents. It’s unlikely many executives in the pharmaceutical industry possess a conscience—but this is about science, not psychopathy, or whether they are human or alien.
Photo La Quinta Columna
Reports have emerged in recent weeks of strange unknown structures found in the vaccine vials. What are they? Could they be some kind of self-assembling nanotechnology?
In these 3 videos, independent investigator Richard D. Hall presents evidence collected from around the world of these many strange structures, which have been found in all the different brands of COVID19 vaccine. What do you think they are?
Photo Dr. Campra 2021