The deadly COVID19 vaccine coverup revisited
See the linked May 2021 paper for the sources of this data.
In April 2021, I first wrote about the massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from the COVID19 vaccines; my second piece about it in May 2021 got some attention in alternative media—but most vaccine consumers and providers are still completely unaware of it. How has the situation evolved over the last year?
How the numbers have changed
Since the May 2021 report, twice as many vaccines have been administered; the number of serious VAERS reports has doubled; death reports have tripled; and the calculated risk of vaccination, already at an unprecedented high, has continued to climb, as shown in the chart below. How high will the numbers go before someone in charge says “stop”? Maybe we should start a betting pool, so some small good can come from the genocide.
See Note 1 for the sources of this data.
Since only a “small fraction” of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS (2), the risk of vaccination is much higher than it appears from the number of VAERS reports—which should be multiplied by 10 to 100. Also, COVID19 vaccines are like potato chips—no one can have just one—and risk increases with each dose.
Below are the estimated vaccination risks for 3 doses of vaccine, with a VAERS reporting rate of either 1% or 10%, depending on your optimism. These are general estimates only, and don’t take into account coincidental deaths and injuries that may have been reported to VAERS.
See Note 1 for the sources of this data.
With a pessimistic 1% reporting rate, there’s a 1 in 24, or 4.25%, estimated risk of a serious event with 3 doses of vaccine—meaning an adverse reaction that results in death, permanent disability, life-threatening, hospitalized, existing hospitalization prolonged, congenital anomaly or birth defect. With an optimistic 10% reporting rate, the risk is 1 in 235, or 0.42%.
These risks seem frighteningly high, even for the optimistic—so high it’s hard to believe any sane, rational person who is fully apprised of the facts would voluntarily incur them. But, who knows—maybe some people have an exceptional spirit of adventure when it comes to injectibles.
The risks of vaccination are 100% avoidable
It’s important to bear in mind that the risks of vaccination are:
a) 100% avoidable, by avoiding vaccination; and
b) In addition to the risk of “death involving COVID19”, which is unavoidable.
See the linked article for the source of this data.
It doesn’t matter whether COVID19 is a real disease caused by a real virus—the risk of “death involving COVID19” exists regardless because it’s the disease du jour, testing is meaningless and malleable, and diagnosis and treatment is a very lucrative business.
Someone who voluntarily chooses vaccination presumably believes their risk of “death involving COVID19” will be lower, but however low they imagine it to be, it can never be zero. Besides, I’ve previously documented the fact that many deaths reported to VAERS from COVID19 vaccines—half of deaths reported in recent months—were “deaths involving COVID19” that occurred in vaccinated people.
How COVID19 vaccine policy has changed
Exposing the massive increase in VAERS reports resulted in several important COVID19 vaccine policy changes over the last year—demonstrating how much the vaccine industry and its captured government regulators care about us.
First, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), unable to produce any actual evidence that the massive increase in VAERS reports was nothing to worry about, added the word “preliminary” to its statement about COVID19 vaccine death risk instead. They already had 137 ways of reminding people that reports to VAERS don’t prove the vaccine caused the injury, but they decided 138 would be even better. If only they were that diligent about reminding people that reports of “Death Involving COVID19” don’t prove COVID19 caused the death.
Second, medical experts and policy makers engaged in extensive deliberations, and concluded that COVID19 vaccines should be given to babies as well—preferably starting as soon as possible, before the risk numbers get any worse. All they need now is a rubber stamp.
They also agreed that direct marketing to children should be stepped up, to protect kids from radical parents still clinging to reason and independent thought. If they can inject enough vaccines into enough children, they may be able to break the generational cycle of free thinking—and with any luck, reproduction as well.
See Note 3 for the sources of this data.
Third, the CDC doubled down on promoting an alternative to VAERS called V-Safe. The nifty thing about V-Safe is that, unlike VAERS, the general public can’t access V-Safe adverse event reports. That means annoying anti-vaxxers like me can’t go poking around, pointing out inconvenient facts, such as that twice as many deaths have been reported to VAERS from the COVID19 vaccines in the last 16 months than from all other vaccines combined for the last 31 years.
Every new member of V-Safe is potentially one less VAERS report to worry about.
(1) COVID19 vaccines administered & deaths & serious injuries reported to VAERS:
This chart is based on the vaccine and VAERS data that was available and captured sometime around the middle of each month, and is not a precise chart of monthly averages or totals—the main focus is the beginning and ending numbers. The CDC’s statement on the number of vaccines administered and deaths reported were used, along with my VAERS searches for serious events reported from COVID19 vaccines. The probability of a VAERS report is obtained by dividing the number of deaths or serious events reported by the number of vaccines administered, and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.
(2) Only a “small fraction” of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS:
That’s according the VAERS website, which is jointly managed by the CDC and the FDA, as well as independent research.
(3) Deaths reported to VAERS.
2 VAERS database searches were done, one for all vaccine deaths and one for covid vaccine deaths; covid shot deaths were subtracted from the whole.