The many benefits of COVID19 vaccination—even without a virus
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With all the attention I’ve been giving to the risks of the covid shots, I wanted to devote some time to their many benefits:
Benefits of COVID19 vaccination
Eliminates shaming and ridicule from family, friends and strangers for refusing the shots.
Appear well-informed & socially responsible, even if you’re not.
Participate in important scientific research with the potential to change humanity.
Improves freedom of movement outside your home (as long as you carry your papers).
Comes with lollipops & stickers for the kids; for adults, free donuts, burgers, lottery tickets & more!
As for the health benefits of the covid shots…do they protect from a dangerous virus called SARS-CoV-2? Prevent a disease called COVID19? Do they ‘stop the spread’? Naturally, the vaccine industry has made many claims about the wonders of the covid shots—but here, we’re only interested in health benefits established by good science and sound logic:
Health benefits of COVID19 vaccination
I’m not being flippant--the explanation for this disturbing conclusion follows.
These days, we have electron microscopes so powerful they can “probe the space between atoms”. (1)
With the millions of contaminated masks and sick people in the world, commonsense suggests that if there is a virus SARS-CoV-2, said to be causing a deadly disease called COVID19 worldwide, it has been observed and photographed under an electron microscope thousands of times. But bizarrely, this hasn’t happened—even though a number of research papers claim to have ‘isolated’ the virus.
It turns out that, since 1954, the field of virus research has had an entirely different definition of “isolate” than the rest of the world. Independent journalist and medical investigator Jon Rappoport, who has written extensively about COVID19 and other virus scares, described the bizarre way viruses are “isolated”: (2)
“The researchers are creating a soup in the lab. This soup contains a number of compounds. The researchers assume, without evidence, that ‘the virus’ is in this soup. At no time do they separate the purported virus from the surrounding material in the soup. Isolation of the virus is not occurring.
“They set about showing that the monkey (and/or human cells) they put in the soup are dying. THAT’S THEIR KEY ‘EVIDENCE.’ This cell-death, they claim, is being caused by ‘the virus.’
“There is no reason to infer that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup at all, or that it is killing cells.”
A virus SARS-CoV-2 has never actually been observed, photographed or analyzed.
Dr. Stefan Lanka is famous for offering a reward of $120,000 to anyone who could prove the measles virus exists. He went to court, won on appeal, and the reward has never been successfully claimed. Dr. Lanka explained that the strange process of virus “isolation” was invented soon after it became clear that existing virus theory was doomed: (3)
“Until 1952, virologists believed that a virus was a toxic protein or enzyme that was somehow propagated by the body and spread in a human or animal body. Medicine and real science abandoned this idea in 1951 because the alleged viruses could not be found under the electron microscope and control experiments were never performed.”
Nevertheless, a paper was published in June 1954, that concluded a virus was present based on the death of tissue in a test tube. Then…
“Six months later, on December 10, 1954, the first author of this hypothesis received the Nobel Prize in medicine. This turned a speculative hypothesis into virtually scientific fact in the eyes of many, and one that is not questioned to this day. Since then, the death of tissues and cells in a test tube is consistently but erroneously viewed as evidence of the existence of viruses.”
The problem is not that typical virus researchers are intentionally misleading people—Dr. Lanka explained:
“[W]hile scientists in laboratories think they are working with viruses, in fact they are only working with certain components of dying tissues or cells acquired under very special circumstances. Their basic belief is that these tissues and cells die because they are infected with a virus.
“In reality, these laboratory tissues and cells die because they are starved and poisoned as a result of the methodology of testing per se. Virologists mainly believe in the existence of viruses because they administer to the tissues and cells supposedly “infected” blood, saliva, or other presumably “infected” body fluids … The great insight, however, is that the tissue and those cells would also die, and do so completely on their own – even without the addition of the supposedly ‘infected’ materials.”
But we have the virus genome!
You may be wondering how, given no literal isolation of a virus has occurred, scientists could have acquired the genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In reality, it exists only as a computer code. Dr. Lanka explained: (3)
“The process is as follows: from a database containing the molecular structures of nucleic acid components … a number of these components are selected and these components are used to construct a much longer, so-called ‘complete’ DNA strand of a new virus.
“Much can be said about this ‘technique’, but the basic insight is that these manipulations, called ‘alignments’, simply do not correspond to any ‘complete’ or known genetic material of a virus. Yet this is then referred to in the literature as its ‘genome’. For the sake of convenience they ignore the fact that during the construction of a ‘viral DNA strand’ – I mean this completely conceptually, by the way, in the facts nothing is ‘constructed’ – certain sequences that are considered ‘unsuitable’ are smoothed out and missing sequences (at least: missing from the conceptual model that one maintains) are added.
“Thus, in this way, a genetic DNA sequence is actually ‘invented’ that does not exist and has never even been discovered as a whole. These ‘smoothings’ and additions form, with short pieces that do fit the conceptual model, a larger whole that is then called “a viral DNA strand”. Again: in reality this does not even exist. Only in the minds of the ‘scientists’.”
In other words, the genome of SARS-CoV-2 is purely hypothetical, just like the virus itself.
Plague doctor.
Vaccines for a hypothetical virus with a hypothetical genome—no problem! Hypothetically, anything is marketable.
Why is nearly every government on the planet pressuring people so strongly to get the covid shots? Surely it’s not just to increase the power and wealth of those who have too much of it already—that would mean the world is being run by psychopaths. It must be because, hypothetically, the covid shots could save us from the hypothetical virus SARS-CoV-2, using sophisticated new treatments based on its hypothetical genome.
Who knows—it could even produce some fantastic superpower mutations, a la X-Men—there are definite signs of a new Magneto in the offing.
Of course, hypothetically, the covid shots could also be very dangerous. But the CDC wants everyone to remember that covering up the massive increase in deaths and serious injuries reported to VAERS from the covid shots is not proof the shots are dangerous.
This uncertainty of outcome is all part of the adventure of global population control—great rewards require great risks.
1 Microscope merchant website --
2 Jon Rappoport, Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists --
3 Dr. Stefan Lanka: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are false” -- -- also available in part at (Page 3)