US democide 2020: Part 3 — Coverup strategies
This is Part 3 of a 3-part series on the possible democide that occurred in the US under the guise of COVID-19. This part covers some of the main strategies being used in alternative media to conceal the shocking death numbers covered in Part 1. Part 2 demystifies the concept of “excess deaths,” and shows how it has been used to conceal those shocking numbers as well.
You would think the synchronous global deaths spikes right after the WHO’s pandemic declaration in Spring 2020, as well as the unprecedented increase in US deaths that year, would be major topics of discussion in alternative media—especially among those challenging the legitimacy of virology. Because, if a virus did not kill all those people, then what did?
Instead, there has been almost no discussion about it, unless it is to either convince us there were no more deaths than usual in 2020, or that any excess deaths were minimal and easily explained. The possibility of democide is never mentioned, unless it is to conflate it with civil claims for damages.
Instead of seeing multiple papers correlating the death waves with the usual explanations, like deadly Covid treatment and prevention protocols, all we see are the same pat explanations repeated over and over again, with no mortality data to back them up.
Dr. Tom Cowan and Michael Bryant said the NYC mass casualty event is “very clearly and easily explained” by “the data and evidence”—but where is it?
Granted, some have claimed to have supporting data and evidence, but it never actually materialized. For example, beloved country doctor persona and prominent no-virus leader Dr. Tom Cowan, with guest Michael Bryant, claimed—11 times in a single show—that the “data and evidence” proved the New York City mass casualty event was “very clearly and easily explained” by “abusive and destructive policies in nursing homes, in hospitals…” Unfortunately, that data and evidence was nowhere to be found.
Dr. Cowan even told us there is absolutely no need to examine the possibility that a chemical weapon was used against us. Whew! What a relief to finally have some reassurance—even if it is based on nonexistent data and evidence.
Below, I cover some of the main strategies being used to keep the screaming mortality data in the closet. Since the claim that excess deaths in 2020 were faked comes up often, I put it first in line—but everything is listed in no particular order, and the strategies tend to overlap a lot.
Early fake death propaganda
Propaganda intended to scare us? Or, propaganda intended to cover up the depopulation operation happening right under our noses? This stuff gets so tricky.
One of the most common reactions online when people find out that US mortality records show a massive increase in deaths in 2020, is to change their claim from “no excess deaths” to “fake excess deaths”—often in spontaneous knee-jerk fashion. Who knows these days if they are real people, or just paid trolls with a script—or maybe even AI, with no soul on the other end at all.
I understand the temptation to cry “fake”—not just because so much is being faked these days—but because at least 2 psychological operations in late 2020 were specifically designed to make people think there were no excess deaths that year, and that fake deaths were fraudulently added to the database later on.
This propaganda continues to be widely cited as ‘proof’ there were no excess deaths in 2020 to this day—that is, by people who don’t know I exposed this deception over a year ago. That is not my opinion or belief, it is a matter of record, as I explain below.
The first psy-op claimed this document was a September CDC prediction of normal death numbers for 2020.
The first operation involved the image shown here, entitled “CDC DATA,” which purportedly originated from the Centers for Disease Control. This summary showed all-cause death numbers were normal as of September 2020, and were projected to be normal by the end of the year.
I don’t know where this summary came from, but I highly doubt its origin was the CDC, because it contradicts the CDC’s own known death numbers at the time. I proved this in my breakdown of the second psy-op, where the official death count from mid-March to mid-September 2020 was published in the Johns Hopkins News-Letter.
In the first part of the “Retracted Johns Hopkins paper operation,” an article in the Johns Hopkins News-Letter in November 2020 claimed that, according to official US data, there had been no unusual increase in deaths that year. In the second part of the operation, the article was retracted by the News-Letter—but the retraction didn’t mention the death numbers, just an ambiguous complaint about spreading Covid misinformation.
The “Retracted Johns Hopkins paper” operation was an example of propaganda being retracted by propaganda.
The Johns Hopkins News-Letter article provided little in the way of actual data, but one number it did provide was the total number of deaths from mid-March to mid-September 2020, which it claimed was normal. The article also provided the highest number of weekly deaths seen during that period, and claimed it was normal as well. However, no historical numbers were provided for comparison.
This article was a stunning example of mockery, since the death numbers the author gave us were, indeed, correct, according to the official records—but they were far from normal, as the author claimed—they were much, much higher than normal. I was able to prove this by looking up the historical numbers, which the author obviously counted on no one verifying.
That is how I exposed this deception—by verifying the historical numbers. This exposure is not my opinion or belief—it is a matter of record, and everyone is invited to try to refute my analysis of this deception.
Recent fake death propaganda
The Retracted Johns Hopkins paper operation continues to be cited today as evidence there were no excess deaths in 2020—it has, unfortunately, not been “largely forgotten,” as self-described investigative reporter and astrologer Eric Coppolino claimed just a few days ago (November 15), at about minute 54 of this show.
In the 6-minute clip below, we hear Coppolino doing his part to ensure this propaganda never dies. He characterizes the Johns Hopkins News-Letter article as a “study” to enhance its credibility, misstates the article’s claims, and accepts all the author’s false statements about the mortality data at face value. Either the deceptions I exposed in my breakdown of this operation flew right over Coppolino’s head, or he is complicit in them.
Coppolino has a long history of alternately concealing, denying, minimizing, and offering pat explanations for excess deaths in 2020, which I’ve previously written about here, here and here—including the New York City mass casualty event, which killed (or not, according to Coppolino) 50k people on his own front lawn.
Be sure to stay tuned for the last minute of the clip, in which Coppolino describes the Johns Hopkins propaganda as “astounding,” like “a room being opened to the sunlight, when it’s been in the dark…” He talks a good talk with a very seductive voice, that’s for sure.
When Substack writer Jessica Hockett first claimed deaths in 5 counties in New York City in Spring 2020 must be fake, because the numbers were so “INSANE,” I accepted her sincerity at face value—even though it was obvious Hockett didn’t know anything about the WONDER database at the time, and as a result, had proposed several hypotheses about how deaths could have been faked that just were not feasible.
I broke down the issues here, starting about halfway through, in the section entitled, “Was mortality data manipulated or fabricated?” This is a good place to start for anyone contemplating the issue of mortality data fakery, to familiarize yourself with some of the practical constraints in an operation like that—so you can sound like you know what you’re talking about more than Hockett did.
It soon became apparent that Hockett was not interested in defining the nature and scope of her fake death claims, and she remained firmly noncommittal and vague about everything, including whether she thought deaths were faked in 5 counties, 25 counties, or the entire US, and even about the definition of terms she was using, like “staged” pandemic. Hockett eventually got tired of my persistent questions that she did not want to answer, and blocked me.
For some reason, the perpetually ambiguous nature of Hockett’s claims hasn’t stopped an inordinate number of people from firmly believing she has proven deaths in 2020 were faked…although presumably nobody is any clearer about the details than Hockett is.
Silence and assumptions
Simply not talking about deaths during the Covid years, especially in 2020, has been a very popular concealment strategy—probably because it is easy, and doesn’t require any blatant deception.
The silence strategy relies on our own reasonable assumptions to effectively conceal excess deaths. If someone promoting the idea that viruses do not exist, or that there was “no pandemic,” doesn’t say anything about excess deaths in 2020, we simply assume from their silence that deaths were unremarkable that year, since the topic is obviously relevant.
The silence strategy has been successfully used by popular and pretty no-virus promoters Doctors Samantha Bailey and Mark Bailey, who managed to write an entire book about how we have nothing to fear from pandemics, because viruses don’t exist—without ever mentioning the massive increase in deaths that followed the last pandemic declaration.
It is certainly not because the Baileys are unaware of it, since they are known to delete comments about it in their online forums—and besides, that would just be embarrassing, given their ostensible Covid expertise. Rather, it looks like the Doctors Bailey have learned to love the democide.
The avoidance strategy is similar to the silence strategy, but involves turning discussions that should be about excess all-cause deaths, into more palatable discussions about lesser issues, such as how many people became ill, why they were ill, what their symptoms were, and the legitimacy of so-called “Covid cases” and “Covid deaths.” Topics like these come up on a regular basis in alternative media, while the issue of why so many people died is rarely mentioned at all, much less discussed in depth.
In one impressive example if avoidance, End of Covid creators Alec Zeck and Mike Winner, guests on Mike Adams’ show, turned what was purportedly a discussion about the possible use of a chemical weapon during Covid, into a conversation about illnesses and “dis-eases,” mass-hysteria, and the loss of sense of taste and smell. Incredibly, excess deaths were never mentioned, and the subject of death only came up once—when Zeck implied it can be induced by fear.
Conflated definitions
There have been efforts recently to muddy the concept of “democide,” either by falsely labeling civil claims for damages “democide” or “genocide,” or by using a new word seemingly minted just for this purpose, “iatrogenocide.”
“Democide” means mass-murder by government—a crime against humanity. It does not mean civil claims for malpractice for bad medical treatment, or product liability from dangerous drugs or vaccines, or negligence by policy-makers. These are typically civil claims for damages, not democide.
If the Covid treatments and vaccines and policies were specifically designed to kill or likely to kill, then they were actually murder weapons, just like a chemical weapon or a bomb or radiation or any other means of mass-killing—except for one critical difference: The deceased signed off on the medical treatments and vaccines, creating a presumption of consent—a much more palatable alternative to secret mass-murder, for which there is no possible defense.
Personally, I don’t think there are any good vaccines, and all vaccines have inherent risks, including the risk of death. Nevertheless, I put Covid vaccine dangers in the category of misdirection, to the extent they are being used to shift attention away from the massive increase in deaths in 2020.
In the alt-media world, excess deaths in 2021 and after are invariably blamed on the Covid vaccines—even though, if you look at the death waves in Chart 1 below, the pattern and quantity of deaths looks basically the same before and after the vaccines were introduced, so there is no obvious reason to assume pre-vax and post-vax excess deaths had different primary causes.
Chart 1: See Note 1 for the source of this data.
However, from the limited investigations I’ve done about deaths by age group during the peaks of the death waves, at least one change in deaths that began after vaccination should be investigated further: the fact that, starting with the January 2021 death peak, the percentage increase in deaths in younger and middle-aged adults, especially ages 35—44, began to increase more than it increased for older adults.
The excess death situation is not necessarily the same in every country—and it is common to see mortality data from different countries mixed and matched to fit the message. For example, I captured this screenshot recently on a blog that will remain nameless for now—it is a very common sort of message that I see all the time in alt-media, in various forms:
Screenshot of a common meme claiming excess deaths began with the Covid vaccines.
“The vaccines, not a fake pandemic, are the cause of the increased deaths and millions of maimings around the world.”
The article included a chart from Australia showing that, after an initial large death spike in Spring 2020, deaths returned to normal there for the rest of the year. I guess we are supposed to ignore that death spike, but regardless, the situation was very different in the US and some other countries, where deaths were extraordinarily high in 2020—something the article did not mention, even though the message was said to be applicable “around the world.”
Vaguery and laundry lists
I’ve seen so much vaguery in connection with the democide coverup, I thought it deserved its own category, although it overlaps with a lot of others. The prolific use of vague concepts, terms, and taglines is clever from a social engineering standpoint, because it allows for all kinds of misunderstandings and conflicting understandings to coexist—often with no one the wiser, and with no need to tell any blatant lies.
Take, for example, the tagline, “There was no pandemic,” which I previously broke down in more detail here. Or the labels “scamdemic” or “Convid,” or describing Covid as a “fake pandemic” or “staged pandemic.” Do they mean there was no virus, or no excess deaths, or something else? Take your pick—and good luck getting the person using the term to clarify what they mean. They may not even know themselves.
Excess deaths in 2020 are increasingly being attributed to a kind of “laundry list” of causes—probably because of the increasing realization that none of the usual explanations can account for the sheer quantity of deaths, or the strange bell-curve pattern they occurred in. These laundry lists are usually loosely based on the 3 primary causes named by Dr. Denis Rancourt, which I wrote about here, roughly described as stress, poor medical care, and Covid vaccines—sometimes with a “fake data” claim tacked on for good measure.
I saw one spectacularly ambiguous laundry list recently on Jonathan Engler’s blog, in which Engler claimed “mistreatment, maltreatment, non-treatment, neglect, abuse and data fraud” explain “any and all harms observed and reported” in 2020. What a relief to finally have some solid answers!
My request for clarification and details on Jonathan Engler’s blog.
“I am now firmly of the belief that the pandemic construct was staged. Any and all harms observed and reported can be explained by a combination of: mistreatment, maltreatment, non-treatment, neglect, abuse and data fraud.”
Note the undefined allegation the pandemic was “staged,” which guarantees any data inconsistent with these vague explanations (if such a thing is even possible) can easily be accounted for by unspecified “data fraud.”
Engler’s response. None of my questions were ever answered.
Engler did not take kindly to my request for clarification and details, as you can see in these 2 images of our exchange.
At first, I tried to be conciliatory—but upon reflection, I realized Engler was right: I am righteously indignant and I am angry.
I’m indignant and angry that so many thought leaders are pretending to know the cause of “any and all” excess deaths in 2020, when the mortality data indicates they don’t.
The mere repetition by many of a laundry list of explanations for excess deaths, no matter how many clever ways they are worded, is not enough to convince me of anything, and it should not be enough to convince anyone else, either—especially when we are dealing with a possibility as serious as the secret murder of millions—which will surely happen again, if it is never exposed.
The “flu disappeared ” disinformation
This deception is part of a larger agenda to convince people that Covid-related deaths were just a reclassification of deaths from other causes. Since the massive increase in deaths in 2020 is never mentioned, people assume deaths were normal that year, and any so-called Covid deaths were simply deaths from the usual causes, relabeled as Covid.
You’ve probably heard that “the flu disappeared” during Covid, but this contradicts US mortality data. Maybe this happened in certain places in the US, but it did not happen overall in the US, especially during the death waves.
There are 2 types of cause of death listed in the records: one Underlying Cause of Death (UCD), and up to 20 additional Multiple Causes of death (MCDs). These may have been listed wherever possible as COVID-19 due to various pressures and financial incentives—but in spite of that, the flu far from disappeared.
“Influenza and pneumonia” are combined in the records as a single cause of death. It has been among the 15 Leading Causes of Death for some time, and remained there during the Covid years. Deaths attributed to Influenza and Pneumonia actually increased 8% in 2020—then decreased -16% in 2021, and -6% in 2022. You can see these numbers on the first page of Chapter 5 of the Illustrated US Mortality Guide.
You can find the limited investigations I’ve done about the characteristics of MCDs during the peaks of all the death waves here—the chart below is from that paper, and shows how much deaths attributed to various causes increased in the months and states where deaths were highest during the peaks. As you can see, there was a huge increase in flu and pneumonia-related deaths during all the peaks, along with deaths from certain other respiratory diseases.
See this link for the source of this data.
Pat explanations with no mortality data to back them up
The US mortality database is freely available to the public, and there has been ample time to accumulate a substantial body of supporting mortality data for all the alternative explanations for excess deaths, including poor medical treatment, iatrogenic effects, stress from harmful Covid prevention policies, and vaccine damage. If anyone has made any attempt to correlate 2020 death data with any alternative explanations, I haven’t seen it.
Instead, these claims are simply repeated over and over again by many ad nauseam, giving them the appearance of credibility, but with nothing substantial to back them up.
The first major disclosure about excess deaths that came with an explanation was in June 2020, when Dr. Denis Rancourt wrote about the simultaneous global death spikes following the WHO’s pandemic declaration. Although Rancourt believed in virology, he did not think it was possible that these death spikes were due to a virus—instead, he attributed them to harmful Covid treatment and prevention protocols—what he called a “homicide by government response”—although he had no specific morality data to back this claim up.
In 2024, Rancourt and coauthors expanded on and clarified these causes of excess deaths during the Covid years, which they estimated to be a stunning 31 million worldwide from 2020—2022. They named 3 primary causes of excess deaths, roughly described as stress, poor medical care, and Covid vaccines. These reasons are often repeated in alternative media, although the wording varies.
However, as I recently showed, none of Rancourt’s explanations can pass the New York City mass casualty event litmus test. Therefore, we are looking for a different cause of excess deaths, that is as yet unidentified.
Perpetual fear-monger Sasha Latypova says the reason for excess deaths is clear—no mortality data required. She makes no bones about rejecting data and science, and formed her beliefs about what caused excess deaths based solely on her own observations—she saw deadly treatments kill one of her relatives. Case closed.
Final thoughts
I think media and academia have similar problems, in that people who have written and spoken extensively about an issue are usually unwilling to admit they were wrong, because it could destroy the credibility of their previous work.
Still, being an optimist, I think we should take advantage of this unique opportunity for agreement among everyone, on a matter of monumental significance. As I’ve said before, deaths in the WONDER database are a matter of record, not a matter of opinion or belief.
That means a person who thinks every death in the database is totally fake, and a person who thinks every death in the database happened exactly as recorded, will both get exactly the same results when they run the same search, and can therefore agree 100% of the time on what the contents of the WONDER database are.
Either way, it is the story of the century: The possible covert killing of over a million people, or a massive criminal conspiracy to fabricate over a million deaths.
We just have to figure out why anyone would fabricate deaths in a way that suggests a mass-murder occurred, then cover them up. It’s contradictory on its face.
HOW TO RUN A SAVED WONDER SEARCH: Click the link and agree to the terms of service—no registration is required. The search should run automatically, and take you to the “Results” tab, where you can view, copy, or download the results. To see a detailed description of the search criteria, or to modify the search, go to the “Request Form” tab.
1) US weekly death 2020-2021 compared to 2019. Run this search: Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. National Vital Statistics System, Provisional Mortality on CDC WONDER Online Database. Data are from the final Multiple Cause of Death Files, 2018-2022, and from provisional data for years 2023-2024, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Accessed at on Aug 26, 2024 10:52:36 PM