Updates on the NYC mass casualty event 2020
I’m not really an investigative reporter—I’m more a behind-the-scenes ideas and numbers person. It was that interest in numbers that led to my chance discovery this year of the 2020 NYC mass casualty event. As it turned out, others had discovered it long before me, but like most of the rest of the nation, I just hadn’t heard about it.
Denis Rancourt probably deserves first credit, since he wrote about the disturbing NYC death spike, which did not at all resemble a viral outbreak, as early as June 2020. This event is surely among the most suppressed blockbuster stories of our time.
The Panda interview
There’s a group called Panda that has given some publicity to the NYC mass casualty event recently. Naomi Wolf interviewed Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler of Panda, who are promoting the idea that the mortality data in NYC may have been fabricated.
In this interview, there was quite a bit of discussion about why deaths may have increased for real, such as toxic treatment and emergency response protocols. So Hockett and Engler seem to be promoting a mixed hypothesis: more deaths because of harmful protocols, plus additional deaths may have been fabricated.
ALERT: Excess deaths are understated by half
Be aware that the excess death total of 27,000 discussed in the video is only about half the total excess deaths that occurred in the NYC metropolitan area. It includes just 5 counties that comprise NYC proper—whereas there were 25 counties in the NYC metropolitan area (NYC plus suburbs) where deaths increased more than 100% in April 2020. (For a list comparing counties in NYC proper, in the Top 25, and in the official NYC metropolitan area, see Note 1.)
See Note 1 at this link for the source of this data.
Assuming an 8 week mass casualty event (MCE), there were 50,000 excess deaths in the Top 25 counties, and 25,000 in NYC proper; NYC proper accounted for 47% of the states’ excess deaths, while the NYC metro area accounted for 94% .
With a 13-week MCE, there were 53,000 excess deaths in the Top 25 counties, and 26,000 in NYC proper. I’m not sure what accounts for the 1,000 excess death difference between my totals and Hockett’s, but I don’t think it’s important.
Predictably, many deaths were attributed to COVID19—but surprisingly, many were not; that is, there were a lot more excess deaths than there were deaths where the underlying cause was attributed to COVID19. In fact, if we disregarded COVID19 deaths altogether, deaths would still have increased an incredible 67%. You can read more about it and see the sources here. I’m in the process of looking deeper at this issue, to try to figure out what really killed all those people—since by all indications, it wasn’t a virus.
Below is a visual comparison of the number of deaths in NJ and NY state (in yellow), the Top 25 counties (in orange), and NYC proper (in red).
See Note 1 at this link for the source of this data.
Anything but mass murder
Everyone in the Hockett/Engler interview was silent about the verboten possibility, the one that seems, on its face, to fit the mortality data best—mass-poisoning. Because although we love to talk endlessly about the overlords’ fascination with population control, when it comes to obvious indications of a covert democide on our own front lawn, 99% of the population suffers from Democide Blindness Virus (DBV)—the only legit virus in existence. To DBV sufferers, the intentional annihilation of tens of thousands only happens in theories, movies, and foreign countries.
The following graphic shows the 25 counties in New Jersey and New York state where deaths in April 2020 increased 100% or more, compared to April 2019. I started with the list of counties, having no clue where they were located within the states—it wasn’t until I started coloring in the maps that I realized just how localized this mass casualty event was, being limited to a cluster of contiguous counties with a clear epicenter in the vicinity of New York Harbor. In the county map graphic, keep in mind that NJ is much smaller than it appears, and in real life touches the borders of NY state and the shores of New York Harbor.
See Note 3 at this link for the source of this data.
The pattern of deaths suggests to me a possible mass-poisoning, or something else that would cause a pattern of deaths in which there was an epicenter of highest impact, and deaths decreased with distance from the epicenter.
Maybe the release of a chemical weapon or aerosol vaccine in the vicinity of New York Harbor sometime in mid-March.
Maybe toxic COVID19 test kits were distributed in NYC in mid-March, as millions of panicked New Yorkers flocked to get whatever poison was in them shoved up their noses.
Maybe the Statue of Liberty is a deep underground infrasound generator, causing widespread and diffuse damage to physical and mental health, including deaths.
I’m just brainstorming here—feel free to chime in. Realistically, when it comes to secret mass-murder, no options that fit the pattern of deaths are off the table. Besides, our water and food supplies are already gently poisoned with things like fluoride and glyphosate, and ”poisoning the well” is a strategy for social control that’s as old as humankind. Mass poisoning is hardly a novel concept—it’s just a question of method and degree.
All hope is lost, and it’s not even news—call in the lawyers
I highly recommend everyone listen to this 3-minute clip from the Wolf/Hockett/Engler video, which starts at minute 40. It is mostly Wolf summarizing the situation as she sees it, and recommending a course of action, as an experienced journalist who has “been in the trenches.”
To paraphrase Wolf’s take on the situation: All avenues of investigation concerning the possible fabrication of deaths have been exhausted, and therefore, it’s time for Panda to call in the lawyers, and resign themselves to a long, expensive legal battle, in an effort to get the government records they need. If they are eventually successful in getting the records, and either proving the deaths were fabricated, or proving they weren’t, then it might be news. In the meantime, no one cares if the official records say 50,000 extra people died (Wolf thought it was 27,000, but still). Wolf says she shares this advice “with love,” because she’s someone who “cares about this issue, and wants to get to the heart of it.”
In other words, “Move along, folks—nothing to see here.”
“Everyone who’s listening, especially New Yorkers, cares about what you just said. But there are missing pieces before it can be news.” — Dr. Naomi Wolf, on the 2020 NYC mass casualty event
Seriously? A huge local death spike kills 50,000 adults of all ages, then disappears just as suddenly as it arrived—but it’s not newsworthy unless we first prove the official government death records haven’t been falsified? This is truly a stunning position, and an impossible standard of newsworthiness to meet.
Example from the CDC WONDER Request Form tab.
In any case, I seriously doubt Hockett and Engler have exhausted their non-legal investigation resources yet—in particular, the CDC WONDER database itself, which has extensive search capabilities that can be used to identify anomalies, including when, where, why and how the deaths occurred, along with age, gender, residence and more. I’ve shown a few screen shots of the WONDER search request page here, so you can get some idea of its capabilities. To see all the possible search criteria, go to the WONDER Request Form (you must agree to the terms of service to access the page).
Example from the CDC WONDER Request Form tab.
Example from the CDC WONDER Request Form tab.
Recently, Hockett proposed 5 ways deaths could have been fabricated in the WONDER database, which I reviewed in the second half of this paper. 2 are not feasible, IMO. 2 others involve the duplication or double-counting of deaths—something that could be investigated, at least to some degree, using free WONDER search tools.
Personally, I doubt any deaths in the WONDER database have been fabricated, for reasons I’ve discussed before—but that doesn’t mean I’m opposed to investigations into the possibility. Investigation of fakery is fine—what is not fine is using largely unsupported hypotheses about fakery indefinitely as an excuse to ignore the terrifying implications of the mortality data, assuming it is true.
Where are the New York City whistleblowers?
Journalist JJ Couey, who is apparently connected to the Panda group, did a podcast about the Hockett/Engler interview here. I’m not going to comment on Couey’s commentary, except to highlight a question he raised about why there are no NYC whistleblowers.
I think I may have a partial answer to that question—it’s because most New Yorkers never knew the mass casualty event occurred. This is due to the sheer number of people in NYC, and I’ll explain why it makes sense mathematically later.
First, an important preliminary note about my CVax Risk page.
CVax Risk page and the indisputability of WONDER search results
I’ve spent hundreds of hours creating and maintaining my CVax Risk page on this website, which is dedicated to the objective documentation of mortality and VAERS data in the official US database named WONDER. It’s my pride and joy to make this resource available to the public for free—I use it a lot myself, whenever I encounter questionable opinions about US mortality.
See the CVax Risk page for the source of this data.
The contents of the WONDER database are capable of being determined with absolute, indisputable certainty. If 2 people, or 10,000 people, run the same search using the same search criteria, they will get exactly the same results. It doesn’t matter if an expert statistician or a high school student or a professional mountaineer runs the search—if they use the same search criteria, they will get exactly the same results, every time.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t room for debate about WONDER data. There is room for debate about the integrity of the death records in the database, as Hockett is doing; there is room for debate about correct search criteria; there is room for debate about the legitimacy of the attributed causes of death (such as “COVID19”); there is room for debate about whether to use a rolling average or a fixed average to calculate excess deaths, and so on. But the actual data contained in the database is not up for debate, and nobody’s opinion about it matters in the slightest. When it comes to simply documenting what data is in the database, there is no room for disagreement based on ideology.
In other words, WONDER mortality data is something about which everyone should be able to agree, no matter what they think about virology, vaccines, COVID19, the integrity of the WONDER data, the shape of the earth, or anything else. If we can’t even agree on something that is objectively indisputable, what hope is there for agreement on anything?
One NY-based investigative reporter’s approach
Eric Coppolino’s 3-pillar approach to the NYC mass casualty event.
I’m not sure where the thousands of NYC whistleblowers are, but I know where one NY-based investigative journalist is, and what he’s doing about the NYC mass casualty event. Eric Coppolino lives in a suburb of NYC, and was credited with helping expose NY’s Love Canal toxic waste scandal 40 years ago. More recently, Coppolino has been credited with concealing the 4/20 NYC mass casualty event, which I’ve written about previously here and here.
Just last week, Coppolino finally admitted here in the comment below that he’s never even looked at the official mortality data in WONDER—which sort of explains the baffling mystery of how he could keep insisting with a straight face that excess deaths weren’t a problem. He’s been not looking at the mortality data for months now, and theoretically, I suppose he could continue not looking at the mortality data indefinitely, and maintain that straight face forever.
Incidentally, Coppolino did ban me from his Substack forum for the next 100 years. If you want to see the comment that got me banned, see Note 3.
In this clip from November 18, Coppolino first correctly noted (as Denis Rancourt did in June 2020), that in the early days of the pseudo-pandemic, the “patterns in society” did not fit the spread of a virus. I have no idea how Coppolino measured these patterns, since he admittedly did not consult the official mortality data. In any case, he goes on to imply the NYC mass casualty event didn’t happened, saying:
“I live in a suburb of New York City. 50,000 people allegedly died of COVID, but the buses and trains were running, and nobody died up here.”
I don’t know what county Coppolino lives in; I thought all the suburbs of NYC were part of the NYC metro area, and all the counties in the NYC metro area had death increases of more than 100% in April 2020. But I don’t think it really matters, because even if Coppolino lives in a county that didn’t have any excess deaths, surely that’s no reason to ignore the issue in neighboring counties.
The “I would have noticed” perception error
Instead of basing his conclusions about excess deaths on the official numbers, Coppolino seems to have relied on his perception that he would have noticed if there had been a huge number of excess deaths. I suspect that’s actually a very common perception among people in general, one that seems to be based on commonsense. 50,000 is a lot of deaths, surely it would be widely noticed.
However, in this case, commonsense is misleading—in fact, odds are most New Yorkers never saw any signs of a mass casualty event, even at its peak. I’ll prove it to you with a quick look at the numbers.
There were about 50,000 excess deaths in 25 counties in the NYC metropolitan area. Those 25 counties together have a total population of about 20 million (See Note 2). If you divide 20,000,000 by 50,000, you get 400—meaning 1 in 400 extra people died during the mass casualty event. That’s 2 or more times the number of deaths that ordinarily would occur.
Do you know 400 people in NYC? Maybe famous investigative reporters who live there do. If so, odds are they would only know 1 person who died—maybe 2, or maybe none, but its unlikely they would see any obvious signs we were in the middle of a mass casualty event—especially when the event was over in a matter of weeks.
Final note
Concealing the NYC mass casualty event is potentially disastrous for the “no virus” movement, due to the loss of credibility that would result if or when it’s finally widely exposed. The reality is, the NYC death spike didn’t fit the purported behavior of a virus. But it won’t matter, if it comes out “no virus” promoters have been concealing it—people will assume it was concealed because it was adverse to the no-virus position. In court, a lawyer always wants to be the one to reveal potentially unfavorable facts about their own client, so it doesn’t look like they’re trying to hide them.
In any case, I predict the efforts to coverup the 4/20 NYC mass casualty event will continue forever, because it was a democide.
1) Comparison of counties in the NYC metropolitan area, the 25 counties that experienced an increase in deaths in April 2020 of more than 100%, and NYC proper.
2) The total population of the Top 25 counties is 19,926,384—about 20 million. For the population of all NJ and NY counties, run this saved WONDER search.
3) The comment that got me banned for a 100 years from Eric Coppolino’s Substack. Do you think I was out of line? Admittedly, I sounded testy, but I think I was entitled, having just found out Coppolino had never even looked at any of the mortality data I’d provided him with over previous months. Now I just have to figure out what in the world he was arguing with me about. I also have to figure out what to do with the useless remains of a yearly Substack subscription.