
Writings on social engineering and other things

by Virginia “Ginny” Stoner, MA, JD


Index of topics on this blog

Researchers discover reason for 31 million excess deaths worldwide: Mistakes were made

A new paper by Denis G. Rancourt, Joseph Hickey, and Christian Linard, could be described as earthshaking (1). In this paper, the authors estimated there were a stunning 31 million excess deaths worldwide from 2020-2022, known as the “Covid years” (2). If true, the implications are mind-boggling, and deeply disturbing.

Table 1. See Note 5 for the source of this data.

The authors proposed 3 primary reasons for the mass casualties, all involving some variation of “mistakes were made;” and in many cases, “they signed a consent form.” Here, I look at whether these 3 proposed causes are supported by the official US mortality data—a question that the authors of the Rancourt paper did not address.

About 1.6 million of the 31 million excess deaths from 2020-2022 occurred in the United States, according to the official US mortality data. Table 1 compares all-cause US deaths from 2017-2019 to deaths from 2020-2022, to estimate the number of excess deaths during the 3 Covid years, which was 1,619,942. (5)

The authors of the Rancourt paper concluded excess deaths were not due to a viral pandemic (3). In other words, the official COVID19 narrative was either in error, or a lie.

Instead, the authors proposed 3 primary causes for the 31 million excess deaths, which I’ll describe as stress, bad medical treatment, and Covid vaccines. (4)

This paper is not a general review or critique of the Rancourt paper, which is huge, with over 500 pages. It looks like fascinating reading that includes a lot of actual data, but admittedly, I’m not in a position to critique it at this time.

Instead, this paper is a limited evaluation of the feasibility of the authors’ proposed 3 primary causes of excess deaths, in light of official US mortality data—which the Rancourt paper does not examine closely. I’m not referring simply to the number of deaths, but also details like when, where, why, and how the deaths occurred, using information from the federal mortality database.

In this paper, I subject these 3 proposed causes to the New York City mass casualty event litmus test. If the proposed cause could not have resulted in the patterns of deaths observed during the NYC mass casualty event, then it fails the litmus test, and can be eliminated as a possible cause of excess deaths generally, at least in 2020, prior to the Covid vaccines.

The New York City mass casualty event litmus test

Under the NYC mass casualty event litmus test, the proposed cause of excess deaths must be capable of causing mortality with the following 4 characteristics. #1 is in bold, because it is probably the most critical and difficult criteria to satisfy.

Location of the Spring 2020 NYC mass casualty event. Deaths in most of the rest of the US were unaffected.

  1. Can kill 52,000 extra people in 11 weeks in a limited geographic region, while mortality in most other areas of the country remains unaffected.

  2. Can produce a similar percentage increase in deaths in all adult age groups, while infants and young children remain unaffected.

  3. Can cause deaths to increase in all places, including the decedent’s home and in emergency rooms, although deaths increase most for medical facility-inpatients and nursing homes.

  4. Can result in large increases in deaths related to lung and respiratory problems, as well as increases in deaths involving the heart, kidneys, and liver, circulatory and metabolic problems, and mental problems.

Chart 1. See References 1, 2, and 3 at this link for the source of this data.

The huge death spike in the NYC mass casualty event is visually apparent in Chart 1, which shows weekly deaths in 2020 in NYC (in red), deaths in the NYC metropolitan area (in orange), and deaths in New Jersey and New York state (in Yellow).

How many terrible things can you think of that could cause a massive but short-lived death spike like that—while deaths elsewhere in the US remained normal? A chemical weapon? Electromagnetic radiation? Infrasound?

I don’t pretend to have any answers—all I can do for now is eliminate possibilities. And, in this particular case, I was able to eliminate all 3 causes of excess deaths proposed by the authors of the Rancourt paper.

3 proposed primary causes of excess deaths

The authors of the Rancourt paper proposed 3 primary causes of excess deaths during the Covid years—none of which involved, at least on their face, any intent to kill—i.e., democide. These 3 causes were: (Note 4.)

“(1) Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes.”

“(2) Non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics).”

“(3) COVID-19 vaccine injection rollouts, including repeated rollouts on the same Populations.”

These 3 proposed causes could roughly be described as stress (Cause 1), bad medical treatment (Cause 2), and Covid vaccines (Cause 3).

All 3 proposed primary causes, at least on their face, are a variation of “mistakes were made,” along with “they signed a consent form,” in the cases of Cause 2 and Cause 3. At least, that is the situation in countries like the United States, where medical treatments and vaccines are ‘voluntary’—even if some twisting of arms, and relevant facts, is involved.   

The authors said “disruptions and assaults” occurred, but there was no indication this referred to a physical assault with an intent to injure or kill—i.e., democide. Instead, the 3 primary causes suggest unintentional iatrogenic effects of Covid treatment and prevention protocols, which had been designed with a positive intent to heal. Although, the “disruptions and assaults” the authors described could possibly point to a crime of recklessly causing widespread death:

“We understand the Covid-period mortality catastrophe to be precisely what happens when governments cause global disruptions and assaults against populations. We emphasize the importance of biological stress from sudden and profound structural societal changes and of medical assaults (including denial of treatment for bacterial pneumonias, repeated vaccine injections, etc.). We estimate that such a campaign of disruptions and assaults in a modern world will produce a global all-ages mortality rate of >0.1 % of population per year, as was also the case in the 1918 mortality catastrophe.” (Note 1, page 5.)

 Cause 3 fails the NYC litmus test

The Covid vaccines were introduced in the US on December 14, 2020. Therefore, Cause 3 can be eliminated as a possible cause of excess deaths during the Spring 2020 NYC mass casualty event, and most of 2020.  

Feasibility of Cause 1: Stress

Proposed Cause 1 of excess deaths in the Rancourt paper was that “mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes” resulted in “biological (including psychological) stress.”

Under the NYC mass casualty event litmus test, the first question is, could stress, which followed the World Health Organization’s declaration of a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 (in Week 11), have caused 52,000 additional deaths in a small geographic region over 11 weeks (beginning in Week 12) after which deaths returned to normal? And, while deaths most other places in the US remained normal?

The pattern and number of deaths during the NYC mass casualty event is shown in Chart 1 below, with deaths in Spring 2020 in orange, and deaths in Spring 2019 in gray. The chart compares deaths in 2019 and 2020 to estimate the number of excess deaths, and the length of the event, which began in Week 12 or 13, and lasted for 8 to 11 weeks.

Chart 2. See Reference 5 at this link for the source of this data.

While there were several smaller death surges elsewhere in the US in Spring 2020, none came close to the size of the NYC mass casualty event. To see the percent change in deaths in each state each month in 2020, see the first table at this link.

While it makes sense that stress could contribute to illness and death over time, and it even makes sense that stress could immediately result in a limited number of deaths, I know of no evidence or precedent to support the idea that stress could be a primary cause of a sudden mass casualty event of this magnitude—or of any magnitude, for that matter.

Even if we assume that stress could cause all the death characteristics in criteria 2-4 of the litmus test (could affect all adult age groups similarly; deaths in all places could increase; and deaths from many different causes could increase), criteria #1 of the litmus test alone raises a couple of big, glaring issues—even if we make the enormous and unsupported assumption that stress is capable of causing a mass casualty event at all:

  1. Why would stress only cause widespread death in a small geographic region of the US in Spring 2020, when essentially the same stressors were present nationwide?

  2. What caused the alleged stress-related spike in deaths to suddenly cease after 8-11 weeks? Was there some kind of super-effective mass hypnosis session?

Given these unexplained fundamental issues, and the general sketchiness of the idea that stress is even capable of causing a mass casualty event at all, Cause 1 fails the litmus test, and can be eliminated as a possible cause of the NYC mass casualty event.

Feasibility of Cause 2: Bad medical treatment

Since we’ve eliminated proposed Cause 1 and proposed Cause 3 from the list of possible causes of the NYC mass casualty event, we are left with the last possibility, bad medical treatment. Or should I say “poor” medical treatment? I have no idea, but “bad” sounds a little better for describing the situation. It includes “Non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics).”

I don’t think there is any dispute that medical treatments generally have iatrogenic effects, meaning unintended adverse effects. And I don’t think there is any dispute that people sometimes receive bad medical treatment. So, I’m not going to dispute the idea that medical treatments, including denial of allegedly beneficial treatments, could have killed some people during the NYC mass casualty event. But could it have been the primary cause of 52,000 excess deaths over 11 weeks? This seems like a serious stretch of imagination—but at the very least, it raises many serious questions.

Bad medical treatment as a possible cause of the NYC mass casualty event has the same major problems that stress has:

  1. Why did bad medical treatment primarily only kill people in a small geographic region, when the same medical treatments were presumably being used nationwide?

  2. Why did deaths from bad medical treatment abruptly stop after 11 weeks?

And, there is more that begs for an explanation, if Cause 2 is to be taken seriously as a viable explanation for excess deaths in 2020. For example:

  1. Were the doctors, nurses, and medical personnel administering bad treatments oblivious to the risk of death they posed? Aren’t they supposed to be the ultimate authorities in such matters?

  2. How long did the doctors, nurses, and medical personnel providing the bad treatments ignore the widespread death that followed in their wake?

  3. Why did deaths at home, and deaths at medical facilities-outpatient and ER, triple?

  4. If the bad treatment protocols were stopped in NYC, why did more death spikes occur later in 2020 elsewhere in the US? Were treatment protocols known to be deadly re-implemented elsewhere?

I could easily come up with more fundamental issues that need to be addressed to maintain the credibility of proposed Cause 2 as a cause of excess deaths in the NYC mass casualty event, but I think the 6 issues above are enough to get started on.

Given this list of unexplained issues, I’m going to provisionally eliminate Cause 2, bad medical treatment, as a possible primary cause of excess deaths in the NYC mass casualty event and in 2020.


If the estimated number of excess deaths from 2020-2022 in the Rancourt paper is correct—31 million worldwide; and if a virus did not cause any excess deaths; and if the 3 proposed causes of excess deaths in the Rancourt paper do not fit the official US 2020 mortality data; then this is bombshell news—more evidence of a global democide.

That is, it would be bombshell news, if we didn’t live in a cartoon world with a democide coverup in progress, where evidence of mass murder is dismissed with a yawn by opinionators like Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Dr. Mike Yeadon dismisses evidence of democide with a yawn.

As to the question of which of the primary causes of excess deaths proposed in the Rancourt paper could explain the NYC mass casualty event, the answer is, none of them.

I showed in this paper that none of the proposed 3 primary causes of excess deaths explain the characteristics of the mortality data in the NYC mass vent of Spring 2020—neither Cause 1 (stress); nor Cause 2 (bad medical treatment) explain the massive and short-lived spike in deaths, and the deaths definitely were not due to Cause 3 (Covid vaccines), which were not introduced until the end of 2020.

So, what caused an estimated 31 million excess deaths worldwide—or at least the half-million excess deaths in the US in 2020? Is there any way this number of deaths could be unintentional? IMO, no—the sheer number of casualties makes it very unlikely this could have been anything other than an intentional act of mass-murder—that is, democide.

Was it accomplished with a chemical weapon? Electromagnetic radiation? Infrasound? I believe the official US mortality data, especially for the NYC mass casualty event, can get us much closer to an answer than we are now. But at least we know now a few things it could not have been.



 (1) Citation: Denis G. Rancourt, Joseph Hickey, Christian Linard. Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions. CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest, Report, 19 July 2024. https://correlation-canada.org/covid-excess-mortality-125-countries

 (2) “Our calculated excess mortality rate (0.392 ± 0.002 %) corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022, from all causes of excess mortality during this period.” (Note 1, page 2.)

(3) “Large differences in excess all-cause mortality rate (by population) and in age-and-health-status-adjusted (P-score) mortality are incompatible with a viral pandemic spread hypothesis and are strongly associated with the combination (product) of share of population that is elderly (60+ years) and share of population living in poverty.” (Note 1, page 2.)

 (4) “We describe plausible mechanisms and argue that the three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality during (and after) the Covid period are: (Note 1, Pages 4-5.)

  1. “Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes.”

  2. “Non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics).”

  3. “COVID-19 vaccine injection rollouts, including repeated rollouts on the same Populations.”

(5) US estimated excess deaths: