Master bloviator Sasha Latypova proudly rejects data and science
“I don’t follow the data, nor do I follow science, nor do I follow, period.”
—Sasha Latypova, Writer, Artist, Rudderless Pundit, Master Bloviator
Sasha Latypova is one of those media figures who oozed out of Substack with COVID19, with tens of thousands of subscribers. She has an endless supply of terrifying tales of lab-made viruses, vaccine bioweapons, government and pharma corruption, military operations, and suppressed cures for COVID19—all delivered like a slightly weary drill sergeant in civvies.
That Latypova does not follow science came as no surprise, since she frequently promotes the fraudulent virus narrative, which, in spite of widespread belief in it thanks to people like Latypova, is not supported by anything resembling sound science.
But my main interest in this instance was US mortality data rather than viruses. After watching an interview with Latypova about the COVID19 event, I entered her forum to discuss what she called a democide in 2020. It is rare I hear anyone in the media say the word “democide,” much less acknowledge it occurred in the US, so I thought it might be a good opportunity to engage in some stimulating civil discussion about US mortality. I am such a dreamer.
Rudderless pundit Latypova proudly rejects data and science.
As it turned out, US mortality data was a contentious issue for Latypova, who made it abundantly clear that she did not want to see it, did not want her readers to see it, and certainly did not want to discuss its possible implications.
A little background on the US democide coverup
I have written about the US democide coverup a number of times. I’m going to limit the discussion here to 2020, when there were about 529,000 more deaths in the US than there were in 2019—an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. This is before the introduction of the COVID19 vaccines in mid-December 2020.
“There was no pandemic” is a common tagline that has been used both by people promoting virus theory, and people exposing virus theory as a fraud, to convey a false impression there were little or no excess deaths in 2020, without telling any blatant lies. This tagline is so ambiguous, it can be used by everyone: Does it mean there were no excess deaths? Does it mean viruses don’t exist? Does it mean there was a virus, but it wasn’t dangerous? It means whatever the person peddling the tagline, and the person hearing it, wants it to mean.
The reality is, there was no pandemic—there was a democide. If everyone using the “no pandemic” tagline would just add that last part, and if all their readers would do the same thing, we could end this BS coverup in very short order.
Shenanigans in Latypova’s forum
Latypova was adamant that toxic treatment protocols, and only toxic treatment protocols, were responsible for any excess deaths in 2020—and even said I didn’t belong on her blog if I disagreed. Whoops. I’m the “Removed” in the screenshots I’m showing you here, although I don’t think I was banned—yet.
People who don’t believe toxic COVID19 treatments are the main cause of excess deaths in the US in 2020 are not welcome on Latypova’s blog.
(In 2021, according to Latypova, excess deaths were due to COVID19 vaccines, or “biologics.”)
To Latypova’s credit, she was very active in her Substack forum, and liked and replied to many comments.
Unfortunately, some of Latypova’s activities in her forum were highly toxic. In the example here, and in several others, she misstated my position in her reply to my comment, twisted what I said into something stupid, then removed my comment, so no one knew. She also deleted a few of my replies altogether, making it look like I hadn’t responded.
Beware of shenanigans in Latypova’s forum.
I assume these are regular practices on Latypova’s blog, since she did it to others as well. For this reason, Latypova’s Substack forum should be approached with great caution, IMO.
For example, below is my comment that Latypova was replying to up above, which she removed—I was responding to someone else about what I meant by “narrative.” Strangely, my comment mostly agreed with Latypova’s position, and to the extent it didn’t, I didn’t insist I was right, just gave my opinion it could have been a mass-poisoning—so why did she brazenly twist what I said, as if to provide her an opportunity to publicly shame me, and justify removing the comment?
“The "narrative" that toxic medical treatments killed a half-million people in the US in 2020. If that is true they were not "treatments" but rather intentional murder. That is really the main issue--it was democide, not a matter of "mistakes were made."
“Personally I don't think the mortality data supports toxic treatments as the primary cause of excess deaths. Nor have I seen anyone try to support this hypothesis with actual mortality data. It looks more like mass-poisoning IMO.
Note that I said there had been a “democide,” not a “mismanaged public health event”— pretty much exactly the opposite of what Latypova claimed I said. And, the discussion was about all-cause deaths, not “hospital murders” or so-called “covid deaths.”
Latypova doesn’t care about mortality data
Latypova says she doesn’t care about mortality data because it’s not relevant to her work.
As it turned out, brave thought leader Sasha Latypova admittedly just doesn’t care about the mortality data.
For reasons I cannot fathom, given she frequently writes and speaks about excess deaths and their causes in connection with COVID19, Latypova says mortality data is “not relevant” to her work, and she is “not interested.” WHAT?!
Latypova even deleted my invitation to look at the excess death numbers in the free sample of my new book on Amazon. OMG, can you imagine what might happen if everyone could simply look inside my new book, for free, and know right away which of their favorite media personalities are full of it? Shudder.
Latypova doesn’t want anyone looking at the US mortality data.
At the same time, Latypova took the opportunity to throw in a hint that the official mortality data isn’t worth looking at anyway, because, fake.
In other words, the US faked hundreds of thousands of deaths in 2020, in a pattern that resembled a possible mass-poisoning or other democide by means unknown, then covered it up. So, don’t look.
Like most people, Latypova has apparently never even seen the WONDER database where US mortality data is stored, never used it to search for data, doesn’t know where the data comes from, doesn’t know anything about the demographics and characteristics of the data, but has no problem discouraging her followers from looking at a database the US has spent billions to maintain over the last several decades, as if it were somehow irrelevant. And people listen, because Latypova is an expert at sounding like she knows what she’s talking about.
Questions about the toxic treatment protocol hypothesis
Get your COVID19 vaccine and tattoo for a (possibly shortened) lifetime of memories.
Latypova refused to respond to any of the 5 questions about the toxic treatment protocol hypothesis that I posed in a recent paper. Instead, she claimed my questions were an attempt to get her to do my work for me, then deleted my comment, so no one would be the wiser. Except readers here, who can read the comment I saved, before she deleted it.
I said:
“I don't deal with so-called ‘covid deaths,’ only all-cause deaths. If you have evidence re the toxic treatment protocol hypothesis, I definitely want your wisdom! I recently posed some questions re this hypothesis, and I would very much welcome your answers. The data is at this link, the questions appear about half-way through, and are also pasted below.
1. When and how were the toxic treatment protocols stopped in the NYC metro area?
2. Why did the toxic treatment protocols continue for weeks, while killing 50,000 people locally?
3. Why did the toxic treatment protocols not cause similar huge deaths spikes elsewhere in the US in Spring 2020?
4. Were toxic treatment protocols also the cause of the summer and winter deaths waves of 2020, which happened in other states? If so, why were known toxic treatment protocols re-introduced elsewhere?
5. Can the toxic treatment protocols be connected to the approximately 200% increase in deaths at home, and of outpatients, in April 2020 in NYC metro? “
These are all valid and interesting questions for people investigating excess deaths, because the NYC mass casualty event was the first, and largest, of 3 death waves in the US in 2020. But Latypova is not investigating anything, because she has a narrative to promote.
Below is Latypova’s rather nasty response. Note her terrifying warning about “the US government (military-intelligence) policy to murder as many people as possible since 2020.”
Given such a policy, why does Latypova object so much to the suggestion that these murders could have been carried out, at least in part, by means other than “hospital protocols” in 2020? Why is some other means of inflicting widespread death off the table when dealing with mass-murderers?
Latypova warns about “the US government (military-intelligence) policy to murder as many people as possible since 2020.”
Note Latypova’s firm conclusion at the end, based solely on her personal feelings and experiences:
“That, and all other people I spoke about this matter is enough evidence for me that hospital murders, and not anything else is responsible for increased deaths in hospitals.”
I want to clarify again that I am not saying toxic treatment protocols weren’t used in 2020—in fact, I’m pretty sure they were. All medical treatments have iatrogenic effects, and it is very possible the treatments used in 2020 were particularly bad. Maybe they were even designed to kill, as Latypova claimed, and medical automatons just mindlessly administered them. My point is just that the mortality data suggests a possible mass-murder by some other means. Maybe additional investigations will lead me to conclude otherwise, I don’t know.
Latypova herself says a mass-murder occurred in 2020, so there is no logical reason for her to be opposed to a closer examination of the mortality data, even if she personally doesn’t want to look at it. Instead, she should be encouraging others to do the work she doesn’t want to do.
Consent: The heart of the US democide coverup?
How much does it really matter if excess deaths were primarily due to toxic treatment protocols in 2020, and vaccines in 2021, rather than something else, like mass-poisoning? I suspect this issue matters a lot to the powers-that-be, and the reason is the psychological, social, legal, ethical, and spiritual implications of consent.
In the United States, if someone received toxic COVID19 treatment protocols, they consented to those treatments, or someone else consented on their behalf—whether the military designed those medical protocols as Latypova claims, or not. The same applies to the vaccines. Sure, no one got all the information they needed to give truly informed consent—they never do—and probably a lot of the information they got was bad—it always is—but those are deeper issues. The patient’s signature is on the consent form, and that is what matters most.
If something else caused the excess deaths—something that was intentionally and covertly used as a weapon to inflict widespread death by the powers that be, then it would obviously be a very serious violation of human rights under any accepted standard. Remember, there were huge death spikes in other countries following the World Health Organization’s pandemic declaration as well. There would be worldwide outrage if these were intentional mass murders—at least I hope there would be—I never like to underestimate the combined power of social engineering, fluoride, and a plant-based diet to control the population.
In any case, I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that such a revelation, if widespread, could shatter the entire world order.