The democide that wasn’t a pandemic; the NYC mass casualty event as a litmus test; and fake death data
Excess deaths in 2020
There were over a half-million more deaths in 2020 than there were in 2019, according to the official mortality data—by far the largest yearly increase in deaths since at least 1968. If you are not familiar with the numbers, you can find them in Chapter 1 of my new book, The Illustrated US Mortality Guide, which you can read for free in the sample of the Kindle version on Amazon.
In this table of estimated excess deaths, I intentionally calculated excess deaths in 2020—2023 a little differently than I did in the book, arriving at an estimate of 481,000 excess deaths in 2020, instead of 503,000. Instead of using the average yearly percent change in deaths from 2000—2019 to estimate the normal number of deaths for 2020, I used the average percent change from 2015—2019. Since deaths increased more each year from 2015—2019, it resulted in a somewhat higher estimate of normal deaths in 2020, and a somewhat lower estimate of excess deaths.
There can be differences in estimates of excess deaths like that, because there are different ways of doing it. That doesn’t necessarily mean any of the estimates are wrong, because discretion is involved. But, look at the last 2 columns of the table—the change in deaths from the prior year, and the percent change. These numbers are not discretionary—they show the objective mathematical difference in deaths between years.
The change in 2020, highlighted in yellow, is huge, compared to prior years, and subsequent years, at 529,000, or 18.5% more deaths than 2019. If you went back to 1968, it would still be a comparatively huge increase. There were overall even more deaths in 2021, but that was because deaths were already high in 2020, not because they increased an abnormal amount in 2021.
Does that mean there had to be “excess deaths” in 2020? If your objective is to accurately define how much deaths increased in 2020, like mine is, then yes, it means there had to have been excess deaths. However, there are other objectives and definitions.
For example, say you operated a business in an industry that was heavily affected by mortality—like the life insurance industry, or the medical industry, or the funeral business. If it suited your business interests, it would be possible to model an expected number of deaths for 2020 that was very high, much higher than prior years, justified by the COVID19 narrative—then, when compared to the actual number of deaths that occurred, there may be “no excess deaths,” in spite of the unprecedented increase in the actual number of deaths.
In other words, when it comes to excess deaths, it is important to know how they are being defined.
The NYC mass casualty event as a litmus test
50,000 of the 500,000 excess deaths in 2020 happened over 8 weeks in 25 counties in the New York City metropolitan area, all of which experienced more than a 100% increase in deaths in April 2020—some more than 500%. The NYC mass casualty event is the subject of Chapter 6 of my new book—and because the potential implications of this event are so profound, I decided to post the entire Chapter 6 on my site here, where you can read it for free.
The red dot marks the location of the NYC mass casualty event.
Chapter 6 is not lengthy—it just covers a few basic characteristics of deaths in the NYC metropolitan area during the event, which are listed below. The first characteristic is in bold, because I think it has the potential to eliminate many hypotheses about the cause of excess deaths in 2020, all on its own.
Deaths spiked up to 550% in a small geographic region for 8-11 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal.
Deaths did not spike at the same time in most states.
Adults 45 and older were equally affected. Excess deaths increased with age for younger adults; child deaths did not increase.
Deaths increased most among hospital inpatients and nursing home residents, and there were large increases in deaths at home, and outpatient and ER deaths, as well.
Deaths attributed to causes other than COVID-19 increased a lot, including ischemic heart diseases, hypertensive diseases, influenza and pneumonia, mental disorders, diabetes mellitus, degenerative nervous system diseases, and respiratory diseases.
I don’t know much about causes of death, but based on commonsense, I suspect there are not many things that could cause the pattern of deaths in #1, which is illustrated in this chart. The chart compares deaths in the NYC metropolitan area in Spring 2020 (in orange) with deaths in Spring 2019 (in grey).
I’ve heard quite a few different hypotheses, or claims, about the cause of excess deaths in 2020, including:
A naturally occurring virus named SARS-COV-2 (the official narrative)
An engineered ‘weaponized’ virus (a biological weapon).
Toxic COVID-19 treatment protocols such as dangerous drugs and ventilators
Electromagnetic energy such as 5G
Mass-poisoning with an unknown agent (this is my favored hypothesis, but I almost never see it mentioned anywhere else)
The official death records were falsified, the deaths did not really happen
Maybe you’ve heard of others as well. If we used the 5 characteristics of the deaths in the NYC mass casualty event as a litmus test for the viability of these hypotheses, how many could we eliminate?
I was originally going to try to answer that question here—but then realized it was more like a thesis-level project or a doctoral dissertation than a blog post. But, IMO, several of these hypotheses would have difficulty passing the NYC litmus test—including the official SARS-COV-2 virus narrative. Maybe that’s one of the reasons the NYC mass casualty event is being covered up.
Instead of trying to find answers in this post, I’m just going to present a few preliminary questions that I think need to be answered about a couple of these hypotheses: that excess deaths in 2020 were primarily caused by toxic treatment protocols; and that excess deaths were fabricated in the official records.
Questions about the toxic treatment protocol hypothesis
Did people who “sheltered indoors” in NYC in Spring 2020 actually fare better than rebels who refused? If so, it could point to an airborne poison. Which may be why no one has ever studied it.
One claim is that any excess deaths in 2020 were primarily caused by toxic COVID19 treatment and prevention protocols, such as dangerous drugs and ventilators. The NYC mass casualty event litmus test raises a few questions about this claim:
When and how were the toxic treatment protocols stopped in the NYC metro area?
Why did the toxic treatment protocols continue for weeks, while killing 50,000 people locally?
Why did the toxic treatment protocols not cause similar huge deaths spikes elsewhere in the US in Spring 2020?
Were toxic treatment protocols also the cause of the summer and winter deaths waves of 2020, which happened in other states? If so, why were known toxic treatment protocols re-introduced elsewhere?
Can the toxic treatment protocols be connected to the approximately 200% increase in deaths at home, and of outpatients, in April 2020 in NYC metro?
Questions about the fake mortality data hypothesis
There is no doubt in my mind that pretty much anything can be faked these days, with the help of digital magic and corrupt media—and often is. However, that fact alone does not prove 1.5 millions deaths were fabricated in the official records from 2020—2023.
I’ve been writing about the coverup of excess US deaths in 2020 for some time—and a coverup is inconsistent on its face with the fabrication of death records to incite fear. Why fabricate death records, only to cover them up?
A fabrication of government records of that magnitude is unprecedented. It would be a massive criminal fraud with profound implications for the future, involving conspirators at the county, state, and federal levels of government nationwide. It would have to be a well-organized fraud to avoid detection, since the WONDER database is open to the public 24/7, and any changes will be widely noticed. In other words, it would not be a minor operation.
The only apparently serious allegations of data fakery I’ve seen have been limited to the 5 counties comprising NYC proper. This is just tiptoeing around the elephant in the room—which is that if 26,000 deaths were fabricated in the 5 counties of NYC proper, then undoubtedly 50,000 deaths were fabricated in 25 counties in the NYC metropolitan area; and if 50,000 deaths in the NYC metro area were fabricated, then probably so were the excess deaths in Connecticut, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Michigan in April 2020—and, in all likelihood, so were all 500,000 excess US deaths in 2020.
But, sticking to the NYC mass casualty event for now, I have a few questions:
Why would deaths be fabricated in NYC in a pattern that looked like a mass-poisoning?
If excess deaths in NYC were fabricated to incite fear, then why do so few people know about the mass casualty event?
If excess deaths in NYC were fabricated to incite fear of COVID19, why were a quarter of them attributed to causes other than COVID19?
A radical proposal: Let’s look at the mortality data
I have a radical proposal: let’s assume, solely for the sake of discussion, that the official mortality database is exactly what it purports to be: a comprehensive record of the deaths of US citizens in the US. What can we learn from this data?
Isn’t it curious that no one seems to be looking at what we have to learn from this data? From what little I’ve seen of it, the NYC mass casualty event looks like a possible mass poisoning or chemical attack that killed tens of thousands. Isn’t it odd that, among all the human rights watchdogs and investigative reporters in the US, not one seems to be interested?
I sure hope this death data was fabricated. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was—I think it was a democide, and that’s why the official mortality data has been covered up by the controlled mainstream and alternative media.
Now we are being told to fear the ‘next pandemic’—but I don’t fear a pandemic—I fear another democide disguised as a pandemic. The mainstream media will tell us to fear a virus that doesn’t exist, while the alternative media assures us there is nothing to fear, or tells us to fear something else.
Maybe we’re supposed to view democide like rape, and like Texas politician Clayton Williams once said, “If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.”
Side note: A new name for the married mainstream and alternative media
I’m not the only one to notice that so-called “mainstream” and “alternative” media are both involved in the creation of the false reality we live in—they just have different approaches. The alternative media is there to capture contrarians of various types, and the mainstream is there to capture the compliant. Both are there to encourage division and mutual disrespect.
I think this mainstream-alternative marriage has been involved in a very important project recently: to coverup the democide that killed 1.5 million people in the US over the last 4 years. And, possibly, to coverup another upcoming democide that will deceptively be blamed on another viral pandemic.
I’m getting a little tired of mentioning both of them every time I just want to talk about “the media,” so I think we need a new name for the married mainstream/alternative couple. I’ve been tossing around a few combinations, and so far, I like “maltstream” media the best.
Do you think that 10 years from now, “It’s all over the maltstream” could be part of the English vocabulary?