Why I wrote the Guide

Why I wrote the Illustrated US Mortality Guide

 I took a special interest in US mortality a few years ago, after noticing there were many vague and conflicting claims about US deaths in mainstream and alternative media—especially when it came to 2020 (“the year of COVID-19”) and 2021 (“the year of the vaccine”).

Some said deaths were normal in 2020 and/or 2021, while others said deaths were high. And there were many conflicting claims about the cause, or causes, of excess deaths. According to the official narrative, any excess deaths were caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. Among the many opposing narratives, excess deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines, toxic treatment protocols, a biological weapon, electromagnetic energy like 5G, bacteria, mass hysteria, or maybe the deaths were fabricated in an ongoing criminal conspiracy.

These conflicting narratives were almost never supported by any actual mortality data—and that included the official narrative. Mortality was widely being treated like an opinion, a matter for speculation, instead of a fact that had officially been documented somewhere, and could be examined and analyzed.

That is why I created this Guide—because the official mortality data always matters. First, because the WONDER database is the most comprehensive record of US deaths available to the public. Second, because even those disputing the official mortality data, for whatever reason, need to know what they are disputing.

Thank you for reading,

Virginia “Ginny” Stoner