
Writings on social engineering and other things

by Virginia “Ginny” Stoner, MA, JD


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COVID19 vaccines and fetal death: What’s the risk?

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In this post I estimate the risk of fetal death after COVID19 vaccination for pregnant women in the US, based on reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and vaccine data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  

Although thousands of fetal deaths have been reported to VAERS from foreign countries, I only look at US numbers, because calculating risk requires the number of vaccines administered, and that information is only readily available for the US.

Fetal deaths: A historical comparison of COVID19 vaccines with others

There has been an unprecedented increase in fetal deaths reported to VAERS in 2021 and 2022, shown in Chart 1. (1)

Chart 1. See Note 1 for the source of this data.

Most of the increase in VAERS reports is from COVID19 vaccines. 1,467 fetal deaths were reported in the US from COVID19 vaccination as of June 24, 2022 (2).  As I showed in my recent post, more fetal deaths have been reported to VAERS from the COVID19 vaccines than from all other vaccines combined for the last 31 years.

About 8% of fetal deaths reported from covid shots occurred on the day of vaccination, and 21% within 3 days. About 61% occurred within 30 days, and 76% within 60 days. The VAERS search results are below.

In Chart 2, I compare fetal deaths reported from COVID19 vaccines in 2021-2022 to fetal deaths reported from all other vaccines combined from 1990-2020. I also estimate the number of COVID19 and other vaccines given to pregnant women. (3)

Chart 2. See Note 3 for the source of this data.

Only about 1% of the population is pregnant at any given time, so those fetal deaths followed from only about 1% of the COVID19 vaccines administered.

Also, only a small fraction of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS (4), so there were many more fetal deaths than reported.

Table 1 shows the number of vaccines administered and fetal deaths reported, along with the probability and odds that vaccination will result in a VAERS report for fetal death. The odds are dramatically higher for COVID19 vaccines—about 1 in 4,000, compared to 1 in 59,000 for other vaccines.

Table 1. See Note 3 for the source of this data.

Risk estimates

Chart 3. See Note 3 for the source of this data.

These risk calculations don’t take into account coincidental fetal deaths than may have been reported to VAERS. The number of coincidental reports is unknown—if the CDC does any analyses like that, they don’t share them with the public. Just keep in mind that reports to VAERS don’t prove the vaccine caused the injury.

Chart 3 gives a range of risk estimates, depending on the percent of vaccine injuries reported to VAERS, from 10% down to 1%. Risk increases as the percent of fetal deaths reported decreases. Risk also increases with each dose of vaccine.

The risk ratio is calculated by dividing estimated fetal deaths by vaccines administered. For the percent risk, multiply the risk ratio by 100.

The odds, or 1-in-x risk, is calculated by dividing the number of vaccines administered by estimated fetal deaths.

To find the cumulative risk of multiple doses of vaccine, add the risk of each dose together.

Final thoughts  

This is a very general overview of fetal deaths reported to VAERS. An important issue I didn’t look at was the stage of pregnancy the mother was in—the risk of fetal death is ordinarily much higher earlier in the pregnancy than later. I also didn’t consider the number of vaccine doses the mother had.

I’m just presenting the numbers here, not interpreting them—but the huge increase in fetal deaths reported to VAERS from COVID19 vaccines demands analysis and explanation. The CDC and FDA haven’t provided any—or even publicly acknowledge the problem. What creepy conversations about this issue have taken place in the dank bowels of their basements?

Yet they have no qualms about encouraging pregnant women to get the shot. They don’t need numbers or explanations to back up their recommendations—just a cooperative media and medical community, and lots and lots of propaganda.



(1) Chart 1 — Fetal deaths reported to VAERS from all vaccines:

(2) Fetal deaths reported to VAERS from COVID19 vaccines:

(3) Chart 2, Chart 3 and Table 1 — Fetal deaths reported to VAERS, COVID19 vaccines compared to all other vaccines.

See Note 1 for the VAERS search showing fetal deaths reported from 1990-2020. See Note 2 for the VAERS search showing fetal deaths reported from COVID19 vaccines.

The estimate for COVID19 vaccines given to pregnant women was obtained by multiplying the CDC’s latest statement on COVID19 vaccines administered in the US by 1%.

The number of other vaccines currently administered each year was estimated using the CDC’s vaccine schedule and the CDC’s record of flu vaccine coverage. I cut the estimate in half for 1991, when the first fetal deaths were reported, and reduced it incrementally each year. This is just a rough estimate based on limited information.

(4) Only a small fraction of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS, according to guidance on the VAERS website, as well as independent research.