
Writings on social engineering and other things

by Virginia “Ginny” Stoner, MA, JD


Index of topics on this blog

Researchers discover reason for 31 million excess deaths worldwide: Mistakes were made

A new paper on global excess deaths from 2020-2022 could be described as earthshaking. The authors estimated there were a stunning 31 million excess deaths worldwide in those 3 years, known as the “Covid years.” The authors proposed 3 primary reasons for the mass casualties, all involving some variation of “mistakes were made;” and/or “they signed a consent form.” Here, I look at whether these 3 proposed causes are supported by the official US mortality data—a question that was not examined in the paper.

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Democide in Canada, 2020-2022? Plus, the untapped mortality data goldmine

There are reasons to suspect the 2020 US democide may have been worldwide. For example, huge simultaneous death spikes occurred in several different countries in Spring 2020—all similar to the New York City mass casualty event. That includes Canada, as I’ll show in this paper. I don’t know what followed the death spikes abroad, but I do know what followed in Canada and the US—and it was a lot more unexplained death.

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Master bloviator Sasha Latypova proudly rejects data and science

Sasha Latypova is one of those media figures who oozed out of Substack with COVID19, with tens of thousands of subscribers. She has an endless supply of terrifying tales of lab-made viruses, vaccine bioweapons, government and pharma corruption, military operations, and suppressed cures for COVID19—all delivered like a slightly weary drill sergeant in civvies.

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The Final Pandemic: Or, how to stop worrying and love the democide

I saw a video promo the other day by Dr. Samantha Bailey for her book The Final Pandemic: An Antidote to Medical Tyranny, authored with Dr. Mark Bailey. The basic premise of the book is that viruses do not exist, or cause disease, but are used to incite fear, create a market for vaccines, and control the population.

So far, so good...

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The democide that wasn’t a pandemic; the NYC mass casualty event as a litmus test; and fake death data

There were over a half-million more US deaths in 2020 than there were in 2019, according to the official mortality data—by far the largest yearly increase in deaths since at least 1968. 50,000 of those excess deaths happened over 8 weeks in 25 counties in the New York City metropolitan area, all of which experienced more than a 100% increase in deaths in April 2020—some more than 550%. How many hypotheses about the cause of excess deaths in 2020 are consistent with the NYC data? Is the data consistent with the idea that toxic treatment protocols were primarily responsible for excess deaths? Is it possible 1.5 million excess deaths in 2020-2023 were fabricated in the official records?

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The biggest thing since covid: My new mortality book!

Maybe I’ll be accused of exaggeration or self-aggrandizement, but The Illustrated US Mortality Guide: An objective and eye-opening overview of deaths in the United States from 1968—2023: Just the numbers, is my baby, so I think I’m entitled to be a little delusional about it, especially so soon after its birth. This book baby has been in the making for more than a year, and finally, after seemingly endless additions, subtractions, modifications, and technical difficulties, it is up on Amazon, ready to be adored by all—who will hopefully be smitten enough to buy a copy, in Kindle or paperback—or even both, if they are particularly smitten. This unique book objectively presents the official US mortality data, totally free of opinions or conclusions, and makes it accessible for everyone.

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Cowan and Bryant jump into the muck of the US democide coverup; pledge allegiance to “data and evidence”

In an unexpected and depressing development, trusted country doctor persona Tom Cowan, along with Michael Bryant of Health Freedom Defense Fund, got their hands dirty in the coverup of the US democide that killed a half-million people in 2020. The topic of the show was the lab leak hypothesis—but don’t be fooled. The agenda between the lines was all about covering up the US democide of 2020, in which 500,000 people died, and dismissing the possibility of a chemical weapon.

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Dear End of Covid: I have some questions about excess deaths

When well-known alternative news purveyor Mike Adams raised the issue recently of the possible use of a chemical weapon in NYC, in an interview with End of Covid creators Alec Zeck and Mike Winner, I was stunned, given the ongoing US democide coverup—and thrilled. I had high hopes it was going to be a very important, possibly even groundbreaking, show. That’s because, in spite of my cynicism, I am still plagued by that kind of naive optimism a lot. As you may imagine, I am also disappointed a lot, and this time was no exception. I also start with a short rant about the role of online trolls in the US democide coverup.

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US death peaks 2020-2021: Causes of death

This post is the third in a series in which I look at the characteristics of the death waves that crashed over the US in 2020 and 2021. These death waves impacted different states at different times, and even different counties within each state—something that is important to keep in mind when considering the testimonies of medical and funeral workers. In this post I focus on the causes of death that increased the most during the 6 death peaks, and find a wide range of causes affecting lots of different body parts, with an especially large number of respiratory problems.

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US death peaks 2020-2021: Excess deaths by age group

In my last post, I identified the months and states where the highest increases in deaths occurred in the United States in 2020 and 2021—the peaks of the death waves. We saw that overall, 90% of excess deaths occurred in 3 places: among inpatients in medical facilities (55%); at home (23%); and in nursing homes and long term care facilities (12%). In this post, I look at excess deaths by age group during the death peaks, and as usual, find some strange and surprising things. I also provide an update on the coverup of excess US deaths, with a spurious claim by Dr. Jessica Hockett that mortality data was fabricated, and from Dr. Pierre Kory , a “debate” about a false dichotomy that excludes the possibility of democide.

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US Death Waves 2020-2021: Places of death

There were a series of strange “death waves” in the United States in 2020-2023—especially in 2020 (“the year of the virus”), and 2021 (“the year of the vaccine”). However, the situation was very different in different states, at different times in 2020 and 2021—deaths were extraordinarily high in some times and places, while at other times and places, deaths were normal. In this paper, I identify the peak months and states where excess deaths occurred in the US, and look at the places people died in those months and states—in hospitals, at home, and elsewhere. I hope you find the results as intriguing and thought-provoking as I did.

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“No pandemic” coverup of 2020 US democide continues; plus a bombshell: 2020 was a bumper year for life insurance industry

After my last article on how the “no pandemic” narrative is being used to cover up excess US deaths, a reader sent me a recent interview with popular talking head Dr. David Martin, in which he insisted there were no excess deaths in 2020. This deception was so brazen, and delivered with such authoritative conviction, it really got me stewing. While stewing, I got word that Dr. Denis Rancourt has also been promoting the “no pandemic” narrative recently. I break down both of their stories here.

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“There was no pandemic” and other dialetheia

A dialetheia is a statement that is both true and false. Social engineers love dialetheism in propaganda, in part because it obscures and complicates the underlying deception. That means fewer people will discern the deception; and for those who do, it will be more difficult to explain to others. Dialetheism is useful for conveying a desired false impression, without telling any outright lies that could potentially be exposed.

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Updates on the NYC mass casualty event 2020

There’s a group called PANDA that has given some publicity to the NYC mass casualty event recently. Naomi Wolf interviewed Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler of PANDA, who are promoting the idea that the mortality data in NYC may have been fabricated. Efforts continue to cover up the mass casualty event—I predict they will continue forever, because it was a democide.

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Chemical weapon kills 50,000 in NYC; no one cares

For the last 3 years, there has been widespread media silence about the mass casualty event in New York City in Spring 2020, which killed over 50,000 people in 25 counties over 8 weeks, according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data. And when the press isn’t silent about it, they are usually covering it up—we’ll look at some examples here. Is the mortality data from the CDC accurate and complete? Is it possible deaths have been falsified to simulate a mass casualty event? I review some possibilities that were proposed recently, and try to narrow them down.

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The 4/20 NYC massacre, my oh my

If the CDC’s death records are correct, there was a mass casualty event in New York City and the surrounding area in April 2020, which killed 50,000 people over the course of 8 weeks, then ended just as suddenly as it began. Don’t be surprised if you haven’t heard about it—most people outside the Department of Defense haven’t, and even there, it’s on a need-to-know basis.

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ChatGPT on the childhood vaccine schedule: soothing lies

If you were a parent looking for information about the childhood vaccine schedule, could the new “artificially intelligent” virtual tool ChatGPT help? You bet! I investigated and found out ChatGPT is working hard to minimize vaccine hesitancy, by telling people their precious little one will get far fewer vaccines than are actually in store for them. If you catch Chat’s lies, it will come clean—sort of. Here I make multiple attempts to wrangle something resembling truth about the vaccine schedule out of ChatGPT.

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